
6 + 1 Απλά βήματα που θα σε βοηθήσουν να επιλέξεις το ιδανικό σου σπίτι!!

6 + 1 Απλά βήματα που θα σε βοηθήσουν να επιλέξεις το ιδανικό σου σπίτι. 1. Σκέψου τις ανάγκες σου Πριν ξεκινήσεις την αναζήτηση για αγορά ενός σπιτιού που θα ήταν ιδανικό για εσένα, σκέψου πώς θα ήθελες να είναι το...

What is a Golden Visa and How Can it benefit the Owners?

  What is Golden Visa? The Greece Golden visa program launched in 2013, is an entry pass to third-country citizens, who want to proceed with investment in real estate and obtain a residence permit in Greece. Essentially the Golden Visa offers to investors, citizens of third countries to acquire a property in Greece worth 250,000 euros and more and essential ‘buy’ their permit to entry in legally...

Real Estate – Investing: Tips if you are looking to invest in a property and become a landlord.

The first step in real estate investing is Homeownership which is a huge advantage for your financial peace. It is also helpful in terms of your budget savings or even helps you generate a good amount of extra income. Homeownership offers you the opportunity to save money for the future. Owning a house comes with a hefty price tag. For example, you have a stable rent income each month. This is an initial...

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